If you have some time of the Thanksgiving break, Brownies you can Discover a Try-it to complete, Connect with your family and friends to share and Take Action by completing a try-it (or few) over the Break!
Remember that we will NOT meet the Monday of Thanksgiving week, Monday, November 24 - NO MEETING. Enjoy your break, time with your family and be thankful.

Here's some links with good, healthy, kid-friendly food stuffs:
- Yum-O! Fun. Food. Fund.
- Family Fun
- Thanksgiving Workshop (Martha Stewart)

Take pictures or a short film of your creations to share with the troop! email them to: theakins@sbcglobal.net
Remember you need to do 4 options of any Try-It to earn the patch. Just email me which ones you complete and I will get you your Try-it's after the holiday.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Above all enjoy time with your family! Discover, Connect, Take Action and remember be thankful!