Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, November 21, 2008

Try-it! Discover, Connect, Take Action!

Happy ThanksGiving Brownie Families!

If you have some time of the Thanksgiving break, Brownies you can Discover a Try-it to complete, Connect with your family and friends to share and Take Action by completing a try-it (or few) over the Break!
Remember that we will NOT meet the Monday of Thanksgiving week, Monday, November 24 - NO MEETING. Enjoy your break, time with your family and be thankful.

Here are some good Try-its you may want to think about over the break:

Make it, Eat it
You do not need to make the recipes that are listed with the Try-it, be creative, yet healthy and have fun while experimenting or be traditional with your mom,'s dad's or grandma's Thanksgiving recipe. We all need help in the kitchen - don't be shy! Try-it!
Here's some links with good, healthy, kid-friendly food stuffs:
Take pictures and send them, if you would like and I will add them to the blog! Also, you can share the recipes that you made!

Puppets, Dolls and Plays

Did you know that making puppets and dolls is an art form? Did you know that many years ago children played with handmade dolls and paper dolls for fun? This is a fun try-it for this time of year to share with family memebers (grandparents, cousins, aunts, and friends) after a big dinner or anytime. You can do any combination of the 6 options in the link above, such as Finger Puppets, a Yarn Doll, Paper-Bag puppets and a Puppet Stage. Otherwise, check out these fun links and make a paper doll or other creative doll to play with or do a puppet show with your family.

Take pictures or a short film of your creations to share with the troop! email them to:

Remember you need to do 4 options of any Try-It to earn the patch. Just email me which ones you complete and I will get you your Try-it's after the holiday.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Above all enjoy time with your family! Discover, Connect, Take Action and remember be thankful!

Here's a link to the Fall Break post with other Try-it options for you :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

120 Brown(ie) Bag Lunches Completed and Delivered

Girl Scout Brownie Troop #840 met our goal of making 120 Brown(ie) Bag Lunches for homeless in Oklahoma City on Monday, November 17, 2008.

In the cafeteria of Cross Timbers Elementary, the girls made sandwiches and bags of pretzals and included those with a piece of fruit, juice box and a sweet treat in each lunch sack.
We would like to thank our donors:
The 120 Brown(ie) Bag Lunches were delivered to downtown Oklahoma City on Tuesday, November 18.

The girls took action on their brownie leadership quest by Discovering a problem in the community that they can contribute to a solution, Connected by brainstorming and deciding on a way to help, and Took Action by making the lunches!

We CAN make a difference, Thanks to you!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Brown(ie) Bag Lunches

November is "Service Month" and Girl Scout Brownie Troop #840 is making 120 Brown(ie) Bag Lunches to feed some of the homeless of Oklahoma City on November 17.

Our troop is on a Brownie Quest to Discover, Connect and Take Action and become Leaders of tomorrow. We discovered that there is a need in the community to help others. The Brownies identified many areas that we could serve, such as picking up trash, recycling, helping a charity, church or school and many more. We connected by brainstorming different ways that we could help and serve our community. We narrowed our focus to 3 options for this month of service. The brownies voted on either making sack lunches for homeless people, starting a recycling program or making care packages for the troops. These are all such great projects that we will complete them all during this school year! The girls voted to take action with the project of making brown bag lunches for homeless people and delivering them to either the Jesus House or Grace Rescue Mission in Oklahoma City. The brownies set the goal of making 120 lunches. This is a Girl Scout Troop of 12 3rd grade girls, from three different elementary schools in Edmond, OK with a goal of making 10 lunches each on Monday, November 17.

We will be collecting donation for the lunches through the week this week and make the lunches on Monday to be delivered for lunch on Tuesday, November 18. We will need bread, meat, drinks, sandwich bags, brown bags, boxes for delivery, chips, fruit and sweet treats to include in the bag lunches.

If you have any questions or would like to donate, please contact Amy Akin, Girl Scout Brownie Troop Co-Leader at:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another chance to connect

No matter how you "hoped" the election would turn out - the choice has been made and the opportunity we have to connect to our children is to frame for them gracious winners, gracious losers and what it means to look to the future from where this country has come from in the past.
Take this opportunity, showcase leadership in good sportsmanship and the values of the Girl Scout law that we see in our world around us today and for their future.
One girl, one day, one action at a time, we can make a difference.
Creating leaders of tomorrow, one Brownie at a time.
Thank you for sharing your Brownie with us

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day . . . Is there a better day to connect??

On Monday, Brownies earned their Connect Key, the second key in the 3 key Brownie Quest. The connect key chant is :

The Connect Key!

That’s more than me.

It’s my arms and

your arms.

Linking together,

we’re free.

We discovered how we connect with our circles of caring, with "me" in the middle, families, friends, neighbors and the community surrounding them. We connect with others by showing that we care and are leaders by working to make a change for the better in our world.

This week, Brownies need to finish their chapters in the Brownie Quest Book and also look at pages 40 - 43 of how different people connected in their world and Took Action to make a difference.

Please talk with your Brownie about things in our community that we can do to serve and help others. We talked about some of the activities that we have done in the past. This year, we want our troop to help decide on what service project we will do in November/December.

We are going to work on "Taking Action" over the next few weeks as well as begin setting cookie selling goals. We want to connect and make a difference with our cookie sells this year as well.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or share any ideas that you may have for service projects.

Check out some of these sites for ideas:

One girl, one day, one action at a time, we can make a difference.

Creating leaders of tomorrow, one Brownie at a time.

Thank you for sharing your Brownie with us.