of Western Oklahoma Council
Share, Serve, Grow and Enjoy the journey of Girl Scouting with us.
Girl Scout Promise
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Twlight Campers
Monday, June 8, 2009
Happy Summer!
See below for June's meeting info @ the Edmond Library.
Books Badge
For June, we will meet at Shannon Miller Park, just in front of the library on Wednesday, June 10 at 10AM for about 40 minutes. We will complete 6 of the requirements during the meeting. Please bring a gently used book(s) to donate to a local organization. (Troop will decide who will receive the books)

Complete any six of the following requirements to earn this badge:
It's a Wide World
Read two fold tales, stories, or poems from a culture other than your own. Share what you have learned in any of the following ways:
- Act out one or more of the stories or folk tales.
- Learn more about one or more of the writers.
- Read one of the stories, poems, or folk tales to your Girl Scout group or another audience.
- Create puppets and put on a puppet show, based on one of the stories, for a group of younger children or Girl Scouts. -
Picture This!
Select one or tow picture books and do one of the following:
- Read the books to younger friends or Girl Scouts. Ask what they like about the illustrations and the stories.
- Create two book covers to go with your selected books.
- Create your own picture book in the same style. -
Be a Tape Worm!
Make an audiotape of a book, short story, magazine article, joke or riddle collection, play or poetry collection that you can give to someone who cannot read. You could, with your troop or group, make tapes at a local agency that service people who are blind or visually impaired. Practice reading aloud so that your tape will sound polished and smooth. -
Be a Reading Helper
Some children and adults have trouble reading. Find out from a reading specialist, teacher, librarian, or another adult about different types of reading difficulties or disabilities. Then, with the help of adults as needed, do one of the following:
- put together and distribute a list of places to go in your community for reading help. This information is available at most libraries.
- be a reading buddy. find out where you can help a younger child who is learning to read or having trouble reading. check with your teacher or leader, or ask your librarian if there are literacy or reading organizations in your community. volunteer to spend at least one-half hour a week for alt least a month with a reading partner. -
The Living Past!
When you read about something that happened a long time ago, you make the event come alive again in your mind. Read a story poem, or folk tale that reflects past life in the united States. -
Read and Review
In a newspaper or other source, read review of new books for your age level. Check one of the books out of the library, read it, and decide if the review was right. -
How To? Read On!
Become an expert in a subject by reading about it. You might read about the subject mater of another badge in this book. For example, read a book about dance, music, the life of a famous woman artist or sports hero, horses, cooking, the environment, or an historic event. Review the book in writing or discuss it with your troop or family. -
Build a Library
Share your love of reading with others in your community in one of two ways:
- Set up a schedule with other Girl Scout members to bring library books in large print, in Braille, or on tape to someone who will enjoy them.
- With the help of an adult, collect books and magazines for specific age levels and donate them to a library, camp, nursing home, youth shelter, pediatric office, clinic, day-care center, or other facility. -
Books for Life
Find out about careers for people who like books. If you can, visit with an author, poet, illustrator, editor, librarian, bookstore owner or book publisher or invite any of those professional to visit your troop or group. -
Your Library's Treasures
Explore your local library's resources. Prepare poster to encourage greater use of the library, or an advertising flyer to let the community know about all the library's treasures. Some libraries sponsor readings by local poets and authors, or concert series. What kinds of classes or lectures are available at yours?