We are well on our way to our second key of our Brownie Quest. On Monday we talked about connecting to our families. The girls can show their families they care by leading the family to be healthier, having fun and learning together. Pages 58-59 in their Brownie Quest books will help with ideas and suggestions for your family.
Also, if you want some
fun family cooking ideas, check out here .
Please remind your Brownie to complete reading the chapters in the first of her book. There are some fun activities sprinkled between some of the chapters that they can do as they desire. Basically if they can have read up through page 36 - that is chapters 1 - 6 - by Monday, that will help us move on to completing Key 2 and start taking action.
We will start planning our service project for the year. The troop will be a part of deciding how we want to help our community through service.
We will also start talking about our cookie goals. Sells do not start until the end of December.

Thank you for your continued support. We hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween! See you Monday.