This year we have the option to have cookies in hand at selling time. Please start thinking about how many of each type of cookies you think you would like to have in hand to sell. Of course, we can still take orders for cookies, as well as sell cookies for troops. This is a
"troops for troops". More information on this to follow soon.
Please review the Cookie Club flier and print and sign the Cookie Club permission form. I have all of the Brownies set up in there and as soon as I get all of the permission forms, I will send out your log-in and password information.
Cookie Club FlierCookie Club Permission FormThe deadline for our initial order is December 10. Please think about the quantity of cookies you sold in years past and how many you would like to have in hand during selling. The council suggests that we order 100 cases - that is 1200 boxes or 100 boxes of cookies per girl.
There are 8 different cookies - here they are:
Little Brownie Bakers
Actual selling begins January 17, 2009. We do not have to pre-pay for the cookies that we pre-order to have in hand for selling. Just collect the money as you deliver/sell cookies! So simple.
Please email with any questions: