If you have not already visited either the GS Western OK shop or website to purchase your uniform and handbook, here is a breakdown of the costs and items.
Basically if you would like both books, a vest and the basic emblems it will be $51.25 plus tax.
Item $ Vest $15.75 Troop #'s $3.75 US flag $1.75 Insignia tab $2.50 GSWOK $4.00 GS Pin $2.00 * handbook $10.95 * badge book $11.95 **hand/badge books $21.50
*Badge book alone has description of Junior Badges
*Handbook alone is not recommended
** package of both Handbook & Badge Book is the best deal to keep track of badges completed, information on Girl Scouting and Junior requirements.
Are you ready to discover your power? Are you ready to see how this power can make a change in the world?
We hope you are ready and excited to discover this power that you resides within you!
This year we will become "Agents of Change"!
The troop will purchase these books for you.

In addition to this journey, we will accomplish a number of badges. If you have any particular badges that you would like to do as a troop, please let us know.We hope you are ready and excited to discover this power that you resides within you!
This year we will become "Agents of Change"!
The troop will purchase these books for you.

We are excited to take this journey of Girl Scouting with you. We will see you Tuesday, September 15 after school at CrossTimbers for our 1st meeting of this school year.
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