Your Brownie is on a Quest - a special journey to find out what it means to be a leader.
We will be working together to find 3 keys that help solve the mystery of that they open.
On Monday, September 29, your GS Brownie experienced her 1st adventure on the Brownie Quest, she discovered some the the talents and qualities that make her special. She can fill out page 49 and describe herself.
We took an "ELF adventure" to search for and discover the Values of the Girl Scout Law. We have a secret meaning for "ELF"
Link Arms
Fly into Action. We paired off to discover clues hidden all around our "secret Brownie Tree house". A part of the homework for the week is to fill out page 50 on Discovering Values (of the
Girl Scout Law).
This means that they have completed the 1st 2 steps in discovering the 1st key! To help them review:
- Discovering our special talents & qualities
- Discovering the values of the Girl Scout Law
- Discovering family values (do at home, pages 51)

Next Monday we will put it all together and realize together the 1st key of Discovery.
We are meeting new Brownie friends in the book, Brownie Elfs. They will help guide us along this adventure. For this week, the homework is to
read chapter 1.

This a very exciting time to be a Brownie! This year we are focusing not only on the try-its from the Brownie Handbook, going on an exciting adventure through the Brownie Quest book, upcoming service projects, but we are also making a good collection of
Last week was the Friendship knot (see instructions below) and this week we made a Friendship Stick! If you would like to send your Brownie's SWAP hat on Monday's they can wear it and put any new SWAPS directly on there at the meeting.
Here's a picture of 2 of the h

ats (Emmy & Raven). The hat can be any type you choose. It will be covered before you know it!
Just to review - the home work this week is to read Chapter 1 in the Brownie quest book and do pages 50 & 51 with family.
Thank you for sharing your Daughters with us. They are special little ladies and will all be great leaders one day!