Water is such a huge part of our lives, even in areas that we may not think of water being important. Do you know that we are in a world water crisis? Do you know what that means?
Can you think of ways water is a part of your life? How do you and your family use water daily?
Who owns water?
Should people be able to say who can have water and who can not?
Can you think of ways water is a part of your life? How do you and your family use water daily?
Who owns water?
Should people be able to say who can have water and who can not?
Write those ideas down or share them to the comments of this post.

We are starting the Water, Water Everywhere Try-it. And revisiting our Her Story try-it by learning about Rachel Carson. Also we have World Thinking Day quickly approaching on February 22. Combine all of this with our troop goal of an Environmental project for our "Cookies for a Change" project we can really make a difference!
Keep up the Good Work Brownies! Keep it Green and Keep it Fun!
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